Understand Swapifyeth, Best Decentralized Exchange in 2023

swapifyeth aims at solving limitations presented by first-generation decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap and pancakeswap, Wedex, etc, and providing even more opportunities for you to benefit from the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Features of swapifyeth, how to swap coins on swapifyeth, the best decentralized exchange

To be fair, Both Uniswap and Pancakeswap are awesome in their own rights but are usually limited to coins and tokens create on the blockchains on which they themselves were created.

Swapifyeth is designed to solve this limitation by serving as a bridge between almost all existing decentralized exchanges, allowing you to do more than was previously possible.

What are the Features of Swapifyeth

  • Swap
  • Multi-TX Mode
  • Multi Wallet Mode
  • Mempool Sniffer

How to Swap Coins on Swapifyeth

How to swap coins on swapifyeth

Visit Swapifyeth and Launch App

how to swap coins on swapifyeth

Visit the swapifyeth platform, an image like the one above would show forth, click on the Launch App button to proceed.

Connect Your Wallet

how to swap coins on swapifyeth

Once you launch the application, an image like the above would show forth, but before you can perform any transaction, you have to connect your wallet. In this tutorial, we use a meta mask. Learn how to install meta mask here.
Click on Connect Wallet to proceed.

Follow the Steps to Complete Wallet Connection

how to swap coins on swapifyeth

Your browser would launch the meta mask wallet once you click on connect wallet,
Click Next to Continue.

Confirm Your Wallet

how to connect metamask to swapifyeth

Click on Confirm
Your wallet would now be connected to swapifyeth.

Swapping Coins

how to swap coins on swapifyeth

If you followed all the steps above, your wallet would be successfully connected to swapifyeth.
The connect wallet button should now change to your wallet address.

Understand the swap page

The swapping page has several options to choose from.
Slippage tolerance sets the percentage of slips you want to accept per trade. This is important to ensure that trades do not execute far from your intended price point, providing you with an opportunity to make adjustments to your trade.

Exchange Tokens

To swap, basically means to change one token for another.
FROM: Provides you an opportunity to choose a token you already have in your wallet. Select this token.
TO: This is the token you want to change your existing token which you have selected from the section above. Choose this token, and click on swap to proceed.

Confirm Trade

After you click on swap, your wallet would pop up again, asking you to confirm the transaction, click on confirm to proceed.
After a few minutes, the transaction should be completed and the new coins should be in your wallet,

Multi Wallet Mode

Swapifyeth gives you an amazing opportunity to add more than one wallet to the decentralized exchange.

How To Enable Multi Wallet Mode on Swapifyeth

  1. Click on Settings Symbol, right beside (connect wallet, if you have not connected a wallet already, or beside your existing wallet address for individuals who have a wallet connected already.
how to add multiple wallets to swapifyeth, how to swap coins on swapifyeth

2. An image like this would show off, click on wallets to proceed.

how to enable multi wallet mode on swapifyeth

3. Go to your wallet, access the private keys, and past them in the box shown, after that click on “Add”

This would add the new wallet to your account.

how to add multiple wallets to swapify

NB: Please be advised that exposing your private keys in this nature could potentially lead to a compromise on your wallet. It is highly recommended you create new wallets for this task only to reduce the risks of losses if any.

Understand Swapifyeth Tiers

There are 4 Tiers of which you can operate on swapifyeth. Each of these tiers has its unique advantages. Let’s dive in further to understand these tiers.

tiers on swapify, tiers on swapifyeth

Other Advantages of Using Swapify

  1. You can swap coins from more than one blockchain

2. You can perform more than one transaction at a go

Understand $SWIFY

$SWIFY is the native token of the Swapify decentralized exchange platform. Fees relating to transactions performed on Swapify would be paid in $SWIFY.

We predict that as the popularity of Swapify grows among traders, the value of $SWIFY would continue to rise.

Cryptocurrency with real-life utilities like Nekiva, Ethereum, etc, would often perform better than projects based on hype in the long term, while we surely believe in these projects, we encourage you to do your own research to draw your own conclusions.

Where Can You Buy $SWIFY

At the time of press, $SWIFY was trading at a price of $0.009022, a 52% increase in value over 24 hours.

$SWIFY has a max supply of 100,000,000 coins.

At the moment, you can only trade $SWIFY on Uniswap.

We believe in the potential of $SWIFY, the team has a great vision, and if executed well, with proper marketing, the sky can only be the beginning.

Have you purchased your $SWIFY yet?



