The Best and Unbiased SKY Fund Review 2021

In our Sky fund review, same with other fraudulent websites we have reviewed in the past, we looked at the dangers associated with the business, the rates they are offering, the owners behind the firm, are they transparent and if they are, are the names displayed actually real or a case of stolen identity?

We also look at familiarity with other scandalous websites we have reviewed in the past, it is good to know that most of these fraudulent websites actually purchase scripts for their sites, therefore making it very easy to spot as they all follow very similar patterns.

It is very important you understand, this Sky-fund review is a review of and not the venture capital fund Skyfund found at skyfund. vc indeed, the venture capital firm would not be asking you to invest with them.

In our sky-fund review, we found that the name game is one way the fraudulent site is using to deceive people into thinking they are investing in a legitimate business.

SKY Fund Review ; The Short Version

SKY Fund is a fraudulent website with confident support staff with the single purpose of stealing your hard-earned money using overly aggressive marketing techniques and extremely high-interest rates to lure you in. Flee from this website.

If you are already registered with them, please save yourself, if you are invested with them, this might be a good time to request a withdrawal before it is too late.

Remember, that even when you profit from such websites, you are actually doing so at the peril of others, you might smile, but somewhere else, someone might have lost his or her medical bill, or school fees.

SKY FUND Detailed Review


Before we go into details, it is important you understand that the names given here may not actually depict real ownership. Experience has shown that some of these websites, go through the company house database and locate an existing company and use a version of the name to form their fraudulent website while claiming to be legit.

From the about page, Sky Fund claims to be a UK entity registered with company house, in our sky fund review, we found that sky fund listed :#10712889 which is an entity called SKY FUNDING LIMITED.

Officers listed include other companies set up in this format;

They are using other corporations here to provide a layer of shield, in our reviews so far, this is the most elaborate protection of founders we have seen.

Luckily, company house list two names who might be actual humans;

In our further sky fund review, we noticed that the company listed as their registration entity, was actually registered in 2017, and the nature of the business registered for was 64999 – Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified not an investment service.

However, the website being operated for SKY-FUND was registered January 2021.

It is very likely that the identity of another company is being stolen to perform such fraudulent online investment activities.


Online investments sites often use very high rates of returns to entice and lure reasonable thinking people into thinking they have hit a gold mine, all the while, they are the target of an elaborate scheme.

Sky-Fund plays same game, promising extremely high returns, with extremely high affiliate rates to convert their targets into their recruiting machinery. In our review of sky-fund, we found similar tactics at play.

Sky fund review
sky-fund review
some investment plans on Sky-Fund


The truth is that we can not force you to take any decisions, and most often that not, people read reviews only after the harm has been caused.

Regardless, it is our hope that you would make the right decisions and avoid websites such as this.

Reviewing these websites is what we do on a day to day basis, as our little contribution to humanity, our only hope is that at least one person is saved from losing his hard earned money.

This sky fund review, is one of many such websites we have called out in the past, if you doubt us, read on the scam section of the website, there you would find several reviews of websites that you can no longer access, why? they have exited, scammed enough people and disappeared.

Do not be the next victim.


